Take it!

It’s been a little while since I’ve posted about “365 Days Free From Fear,” but this morning continues that journey. We’ve gone through 58 days of freedom from fear, and today marks day 59! So here we go:

There is this story in Mark chapter 6 that describes a situation going on that would really be hard to put into words. I live in Michigan, near the lake, so imagine this going on:

You are on a boat, far from shore, and it’s night time. You aren’t in a fancy speed boat with lots of power and strength, but you are instead in a wooden sailboat. You are trying to get back to shore because it’s dark and time to go home. But the wind is going against you and you aren’t making any headway. You are having a very hard time getting anywhere. And remember, it’s night time. So you can only see by the light of the moon and stars. You forgot your flashlight in your car.

Then suddenly, out of nowhere, someone is coming toward you. Not another boat, not an animal swimming through the water, but someone walking on top of the waves. Literally walking on the water.

This is what is happening when the disciples are in their boat on the water at night going against a strong wind.. Jesus comes, and here is what Mark records:

“…because they all saw him and were terrified. Immediately he spoke to them and said, ‘Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.'” – Mark 6:50

The disciples were in a difficult situation. They were trying to get to shore, but they were having a very hard time. The Bible says they were “making headway painfully.” Have you ever tried something that was largely unsuccessful? It was really hard on you, really hard to move forward, and the only thing you were able to do is “make headway painfully“?

Imagine, in the middle of your situation, Jesus is walking past and He says to you, “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.” The thing is, Jesus does say that to you. Wherever you are. Take courage! Jesus is with us! The Holy Spirit lives in those who belong to the Lord, and they have no reason to fear!

You have no reason to fear. Why? Because Jesus is with you in every situation, good or bad. The thing is, you have to take that courage. It doesn’t naturally come, it isn’t always easy to come by. You have to take it.

So don’t be afraid, and forcibly take the courage that is necessary to get through your difficulty. Take it, because it is yours through the strength and power of the Holy Spirit. Take courage and rest in the power and presence of God.